Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hazy Memories

He wakes up with a start.
What time is it he wonders...
A quick look at his phone. 6 am
He suddenly realizes he's still in his jeans and shirt he wore last night. And something else that he's never done before. His glasses are still on.

Two BPs and a coke please..
There's no BP sir. but we have buy one get one free on signature and antiquity.
His eyes light up!
WHAT?! A wide smile now. He looks at his friend.
She nods in agreement.
Bring it on then my good waiter.
One signature and a soda
"Wow! this should happen everyday"
The drinks arrive.
And then it begins.
Another one.. and another and another.
We should leave she says. we're pretty smashed
He agrees..
Check please..
It arrives and he tries scrutinizing it in his limited and elevated capacity
We had a total of 8 drinks..
The waiter tells him.. you had 5 and madam had 3.
WTF! That's not good.
They somehow drive home.
I'm too drunk she says.. I'll crash here for sometime and then I'll drive home.
He tries to make her coffee..
But half way she's up and leaves.
He staggers to his room. he calls up his good friend and they talk a while..

He wakes up with a start...
A quick change into something more comfortable.
Someone tried making coffee last night, he wonders as he walks into the kitchen.
That would be some story. Should find out when i regain myself.
Back to sleep.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Losing a Friend..

I know not what remains
Between u and me..
That wonderful bond we had
Those wonderful memories we shared..
I do not know where I slipped
And went astray.
I do not know what I did
To push u so far away..

At times I have wondered
If i tried too hard,
At times I have thought
I'm trying to make something
Of nothing at all.

I have seen miserable days,
Not hearing from u..
Lived through dark and bleak days,
Not knowing how u are..

I tried too hard,
I gave my all
And in the end
It didnt matter at all
What I thought we had,
Was over before
I had a chance to say goodbye..

Monday, December 10, 2007

4th November, 2007

I remember the accident.
Thinking about the day
Sends shivers up my spine.
Each second, is etched into my memory
Like the light of day I remember...
It took just one wrong step,
It just lasted an instant,
Pain swallowed me whole
Fear filled me up
I almost wept.
The ER confirmed it,
My worst fears were true..
I had torn a ligament.
I had busted my knee
My life hasnt been the same since.
I cant climb the stairs.
I cant play any sports,
I cant even walk properly.
Sometimes I get real sad,
It makes me weep.
It makes me mad.
Another year to get back on my feet,
somehow i'll survive..
Sympathy from strangers,
A lil help from friends,
Has carried me so far.
The journey to recovery is
Slow and long.
I dream of the day
When I can run again....

Its been a month since I tore a ligament in my knee playing football. One long and tough month just coping with the injury. It took me to the depths of sadness at times. A real tough ride it has been so far. At least another 8 months to go before I can think about running again. :((

Life can be tough at times.
Who knows what might happen next.
All we can do and need to do, is keep living.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A walk to the Outside

A walk to the outside. A place high above.
Time has no meaning there.
I wander outside
I dream of the places we
Made our own, times we made our own.
We were immortal.
Thoughts ride, branch, end.
I snap back to reality.
The commercial break is still on
I wonder how long has passed.
Time has no meaning there,
In our place far far away..

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I had apparently written this when I was really frustrated a long time ago.

Customer satisfaction should be your biggest goal.
Repeat business is the key.
Take ownership of your projects.
Plan, work hard, finish certifications, go that extra mile, slog if needed, slog anyways.
Could you work this weekend? Could you be on call this weekend? Could you be on support for sometime?
You'll be given an OD for your efforts.
Any issues dont hesitate to ask.
You'll be suitably rewarded, your efforts will be noticed.

Sigh. Havent we heard all this before.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Those times we shared, and
All the non stop laughs we had.
Memories forever...

My friend replied..

I wish time could just
turn back once. I would relive
all those days of joy.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Twilight Zone

A canvas
Painted on the horizon
With the colours of life.
So many thoughts,
And no words to describe them.
So many visions,
Not enough words to portray them.
So many colours,
Dont have any names for them.
Sounds fill up around me.
The words of people,
The rhythm of music,
The sighs of nature.
She talks to me.
Through the tiny crickets,
Through the whistling wind.
The Twilight Zone,
Where I find evening in the middle of the night.
Where I find home away from all the maddenin sights..

-- 26 Sep, 1145 pm

Flying away..

It was time to leave finally. All that waiting had finally come to an end. All those dreams were finally becoming a reality. It was time to leave
Mysore was my home. Leaving Mysore made me very sad. I knew i was going to miss this place. The calm peaceful atmosphere was something that I loved about my home. I was going to miss this place.
The drives in the night, to places we called our own, to places we felt we belonged, with friends who'd be there all life long. it seems like an instant, it seems like an eternity. The time of my life passes by behind me.
I start another chapter, i dont know what it holds for me. A new place, a new country.
Things might not change. I'll still trip, i ll still have a blast. Thats what living is.

I had written this just before i left for the US more than a month and a half back. Never did feel like adding it to my blog. Guess its high time i start writing here again.